
Saturday, November 26, 2022

The Care Home

 First, some news! My story Darken The Corners Of My Mind is nominated for the Brave New Weird Award! I am honored to have my weird little story included among the finalists.

Now, for today's story.

The Care Home, available in Dark Matter Magazine, is the story of a disabled woman fighting her smart home for control of her life.

It's also the story of how I escaped my abusive mother.

Oh yes, it's a metaphor. On purpose this time.

I won't so much to spoil it, but the conversation at the end that she has with the man? That's basically exactly what happened with me. Not word for word, but that was the conversation I had with the police that day when my mother was trying to convince them everything was fine.

So yeah. Be aware of emotional abuse and manipulation, but I hope you enjoy my story. Because it is my story, as much as it is my main character's.

Monday, November 21, 2022

Barely Even Friends To Lovers

 This is a story for the weirdos.

For the children of the 80s and 90s who grew up with independent, freethinking heroines who didn't need a man but still fell in love at the end of the story because True Love is the answer to everything.

For the kids who had a crush on Fox Robin Hood and that uncomfortably sexy Tim Curry pollution from Ferngully, who strongly believe the prince was way hotter when he was a Beast.

For the confused and disappointed dreamers who became fanfiction writers so they could fix all of their beloved media.

This is my version of Beauty and the Beast, where transforming into a hot guy is truly a disappointment, where love is good but not the answer to everything, and where you never click on the folder that says West Wing.

This is Barely Even Friends To Lovers, available now in Strangely Funny IX.