
Friday, December 1, 2023

Blue Incarnations cover reveal and pre-order

 On January 29, 2024, I will be self publishing my queer reincarnation thriller Blue Incarnations!

I've been working on this book for the better part of 10 years on and off. Writing and rewriting and eventually figuring out what story I wanted to tell.

I tried to go to traditional publishing route with it a couple years and several rewrites ago, but it wasn't ready. I thought about trying again, but querying novels isn't something I enjoy and I wanted to get more experience with the ins and outs of actually designing and publishing a book rather than just writing one.

Anyway. I'm really proud of this book and I can't wait for people to read it. You can pre-order the e-book now, and the paperback version will be available on January 29.