
Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Blue Incarnations

 I am very proud to announce my novel Blue Incarnations is finally available in paperback and digital!

It is a futuristic queer thriller set in a world where everybody remembers their past lives, and a corrupt government has instituted a system where people can be punished for crimes committed in a prior incarnation.

The main character, Diana Callahan, is a teenager with no memories of her past lives. When she suddenly start remembering, however, she learns maybe there was a good reason she wanted to forget… 

I have been working on this book for… I don't know, 7+ years on and off? It was inspired by the line "You've got a brand new soul" in Billy Joel's Only The Good Die Young, and whenever I got stuck on the plot I would pick some other lyrics from Billy Joel songs and work the ideas into the story somehow.

I tried to go to the traditional publishing route at one point but the story wasn't ready and I know that now. It went through a few more edits and then I decided I was going to publish it myself.

I am really proud of it and I think it's good and… Yeah. I hope people give it a chance.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Savior Of The Crying Hemlocks

 Very proud to say my story "Savior Of The Crying Hemlocks" is now available in Sunshine Superhighway: Solar Sailings!

Originally called "SQUONK If You Hate Climate Change," my story is about a woman in a futuristic world trying to save the last ancient hemlocks from poachers.

Her child helps, and they get additional support from the mysterious squonk, a legendary creature from Pennsylvania folklore who is so ugly and sad, he cries constantly. Legend says his tears can dissolve anything, even his own body, and some interpretations of these legends suggest he might be an ecological metaphor created by early lumberjacks who realized they were killing the forest as European settlers made the land more industrial.