Thursday, June 13, 2019

Pocketful of Souls

  Hello everybody. I really should  update this  blog more often. I have a long update in my draft folder, explaining everything that’s been going on in my life since February. I actually don’t know how much I’ve told people, but this is the short version:

I’ve lived with my mom my entire life. In February I decided it wasn’t working anymore, and I moved out. I moved out fast, and it was confusing and scary and fun. I stayed in a nursing home, and then there was a group home that was willing to take me in, and it’s not perfect but it’s pretty good, and when things are bad it’s hard to remember that they could be worse, but for the most part everything is really good and this is a really long run on sentence.  Shame on me as an author. :-) 

 I’ve gotten several stories accepted. I don’t remember which ones I’m allowed to announce right now, so I won’t. What I can tell you is that I have a story in this year’s volume of Brave New Girls, with proceeds going to the society of women engineers scholarship fund.  My story is a steam punk autistic retelling of Pygmalion.

But today I come to you with a tale of Amy.  Amy is a demon, And also an adorable little girl. But like most demons, Amy is up to something.

Pocketful of Souls is available for free on  Luna Station Quarterly, And also in their paperback issue. 

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